Aeronautical Information Products


The Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) is the basic aviation document intended primarily for use by aviation personnel of international and domestic commercial or private aviation for flight planning and flight operations in Estonian airspace and at Estonian aerodromes.

The AIP of Estonia is available only in electronic form as HTML and PDF format and is published in Estonian and in English.

The AIP in electronic format (eAIP) is published on the Internet and is available at and Estonian AIP is also available on EAD PAMS.


AIP Supplement

AIP Supplement (SUP) is a temporary amendment containing temporary changes of long duration (three months and longer) or information of short duration which consists of extensive text and/or graphics, supplementing the permanent information contained in the AIP. Operationally significant temporary changes to the AIP are published in accordance with the AIRAC system and its established effective dates and are identified by the acronym AIRAC (AIRAC AIP SUP).

AIP Supplements, which are published between publication of two eAIP Packages, are made available via current web page and EAD PAMS.



Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) is a document containing information on the long-term forecast of any major changes in legislation, regulations, procedures or facilities; information of a purely explanatory or advisory nature liable to affect flight safety; and information or notification of an explanatory or advisory nature concerning technical, legislative or administrative matters.

AICs, which are published between publication of two eAIP Packages, are made available via current web page and EAD PAMS.


AIP obstacles

In aerodrome obstacle data there are published obstacles around the aerodrome, classified according to the following areas in accordance with ICAO Annex 15 and PANS-AIM:

Area 1 - Elevation/height 328 ft (100 m) AGL or more
Area 2 - Surroundings of the airport up to 45 km
Area 3 - Aerodrome movement area
Area 4 - Altimeter area in front of the runway for precision approach, CAT II and CAT III

The following information can be found with obstacles:

ID - Obstacle ID
Type - The type of obstacle, respectively
Latitude - Latitude in DDMMSS format
Longitude - Longitude in DDDMMSS format
Latitude_DEG - Latitude in full degrees
Longitude_DEG - Longitude in full degrees
Elevation (FT) - The height of the obstacle in feet
Height (FT) - The height of the obstacle above the ground in feet
Marking - The obstacle is marked according to the requirements
Lighting - The obstacle is illuminated as required
Lighting color - The color of the obstacle lighting
Lighting type - Type of obstacle lighting
Remark - Remarks

Obstacle information is published for each aerodrome in separate files XLS and KMZ (openable with GoogleEarth) in the form of point, line and polygon.

The aerodrome obstruction file is available for download in ZIP format.


VFR Information Guide

The VFR Information Guide includes relevant information and also restrictions for the use of VFR aerodromes.

Information about an aerodrome or a heliport can be published in the VFR Information Guide upon application to AIM Department of Estonian ANS. Estonian ANS is not authorised to publish any information about aerodromes or heliports in the VFR Information Guide unless the respective Aerodrome/Heliport Holder (expresses) has an interest in it.

The Aerodrome Holder is responsible for the consistency, reliability and high quality of data.

The Estonian ANS is not responsible for errors in the information which may emerge during data delivery and any damage originating from any inaccuracies or incompleteness of the data.

The Estonian ANS is responsible for the publication of the information in a standard format and also for making it internationally accessible.

The VFR Information Guide will be updated according to received information.


VFR Chart

This VFR chart is constructed on Lambert conformal conical projection.

The aeronautical data shown are consistent with the use of the chart for low speed visual air navigation. It includes aerodromes, significant obstacles, elements of the ATS system, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, and radio navigation aids.

The chart provides information to satisfy visual air navigation and is also used as a pre-flight planning chart.


AIRAC Calendar

When planning their activities Data originators must be aware about the dates when the raw data must be submitted to the AIP Group to ensure the timely publication of aeronautical information.

AIRAC calendar contains AIRAC effective and publication dates. Separate raw data dates are determined for AIRAC AIP SUP and AIRAC AIP AMDT. For every AIRAC cycle it is visible for Data originator how many days are left to submit their proposals for the aeronautical information to be published and become effective in a relevant AIRAC cycle.

Additionally, the calendar contains the dates when the draft of aeronautical information products must reach the Estonian Transport Administration the latest for final confirmation.

Publication date Effective date Amendment File CRC
30 MAY 2024 11 JUL 2024 AIRAC AIP AMDT 06/2024 D9A56BE0

Series A

Publication date End date Number Title CRC
29 JUL 2020 UFN AIC A 02/2020 Implementation of ICAO IWXXM Model 641F758B
19 NOV 2020 UFN AIC A 05/2020 Transmission of Space Weather Advisory Information in Tallinn FIR 36059B73
16 DEC 2021 UFN AIC A 05/2021 Management of Volcanic Ash Events in Tallinn FIR 95B2782D
19 OCT 2023 UFN AIC A 04/2023 Seasonal AIC Supplementing SNOW PLAN E639C74F
19 OCT 2023 UFN AIC A 05/2023 Aeronautical Information Circulars in Force 9E05E8CC
21 MAR 2024 UFN AIC A 01/2024 Transition Period for the Implementation of Kuressaare Remote Tower 71463CDA
30 MAY 2024 UFN AIC A 02/2024 Subscription of Aeronautical Chart – ICAO 1:500 000 AF9E3C94

Series B

Publication date End date Number Title CRC
11 JAN 2024 UFN AIC B 01/2024 Significant Dates for Publication of Aeronautical Information in the Year 2024 4C4F4F86
Publication date Effective date Amendment File CRC
27 JUN 2024 08 AUG 2024 AIRAC AIP AMDT 07/2024 1A19ECD9
25 JUL 2024 05 SEP 2024 AIRAC AIP AMDT 08/2024 CD033F3D
Publication date Effective date File CRC
29 JUL 2021 09 SEP 2021 EEPU Area 2 D11B73B7
29 JUL 2021 09 SEP 2021 EETU Area 3 BD4EB585
23 SEP 2021 04 NOV 2021 EERU Area 2 F9E257AF
30 JUN 2022 11 AUG 2022 EEKA Area 2 DD0E2D8A
09 MAR 2023 20 APR 2023 EETU Area 2 60EF8F98
16 NOV 2023 28 DEC 2023 EEKE Area 3 5D63BBC5
16 NOV 2023 28 DEC 2023 EEKA Area 3 E948899C
16 NOV 2023 28 DEC 2023 EEKE Area 2 69E39747
08 FEB 2024 21 MAR 2024 EETN Area 2 BB090D12
08 FEB 2024 21 MAR 2024 EETN Area 4 A1BBD4F7
02 MAY 2024 13 JUN 2024 EETT Area 1 381D6159
Publication date Effective date End date Number Title CRC
08 FEB 2024 21 MAR 2024 08 AUG 2024 AIRAC AIP SUP 02/2024 Implementation of LVP at Tallinn Aerodrome (EETN) F4613025
04 APR 2024 04 APR 2024 01 OCT 2024 AIP SUP 06/2024 Establishment of Temporary Danger and Restricted Areas 41DF0DE8
02 MAY 2024 08 MAY 2024 05 SEP 2024 AIP SUP 07/2024 Changes due to Implementation of Kuressaare (EEKE) Remote Tower EBDB21D6
22 MAY 2024 01 JUN 2024 05 SEP 2024 AIP SUP 08/2024 Changes due to Implementation of DME/DME in Tartu FIZ/RMZ 684D81BC
30 MAY 2024 08 JUN 2024 01 DEC 2024 AIP SUP 09/2024 Reconstruction Works at Ämari Aerodrome (EEEI) 6F2FD923
18 JUL 2024 22 JUL 2024 UFN AIP SUP 13/2024 Modernizing the Weather Observation Systems at Tartu and Kuressaare Airports 6969326B
25 JUL 2024 04 SEP 2024 06 SEP 2024 AIP SUP 14/2024 Establishment of Temporary Danger Area 1C2EAABD
25 JUL 2024 12 SEP 2024 23 SEP 2024 AIP SUP 15/2024 Establishment of Temporary Danger Area 3E4F5DAF
Publication date Effective date End date Number Title CRC
25 JUL 2024 04 SEP 2024 06 SEP 2024 Establishment of Temporary Danger Area 1C2EAABD
25 JUL 2024 12 SEP 2024 23 SEP 2024 Establishment of Temporary Danger Area 3E4F5DAF
Name Location Indicator Last modified CRC
Humala EEHA 30 MAY 2024 78106496
Jõhvi EEJI 30 MAY 2024 3C56732B
Lennundusmuuseum EELM 30 MAY 2024 303BAB97
Lyckholm EELU 30 MAY 2024 BFF6463F
Muhu EEMU 30 MAY 2024 F4470466
Narva EENA 30 MAY 2024 0677820B
Rapla EERA 30 MAY 2024 5B74D673
Ridali EERI 30 MAY 2024 D86F8BBC
Riidaja EERD 30 MAY 2024 D2180A56
Roomassaare 30 MAY 2024 709C0111
Teenuse-Saare EETS 30 MAY 2024 99F4ECB9
Tõutsi EETI 30 MAY 2024 CF2CA94C
Varstu EEVU 30 MAY 2024 3BD7EA84
Viljandi EEVI 30 MAY 2024 C75E0195
Vormsi EEVO 30 MAY 2024 1E8B6A57
Name Last modified CRC
General Information 30 MAY 2024 BB8D35F7
VFR Information Guide 30 MAY 2024 145C5AB2
Name Location Indicator Last modified CRC
Salme EESE 30 MAY 2024 1F5F07BE